URL format: jdbc:presto:// IP address of node 1 where the ZooKeeper service resides:2181, IP address of node 2 where the ZooKeeper service resides:2181, IP address of node 3 where the ZooKeeper service resides:2181/hive/default?serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper&zooKeeperNamespace=hsbroker&zooKeeperServerPrincipal=zookeeper/Įxample: jdbc:presto:// , , /hive/default?serviceDiscoveryMode=zooKeeper&zooKeeperNamespace=hsbroker&zooKeeperServerPrincipal=zookeeper/
I started a top command (using Ubuntu) for the Eclipse process and for Java process and then tried to use an auto-complete on Eclipse. How to deal with 'Java Heap Space Outofmemroyerror' seems to be a commonly asked question. If DBeaver is started, restart the DBeaver software for the new configuration items in the dbeaver.ini file to take effect. When I use Refresh every 3 seconds for automated query, heap memory usage is. Also remember that each item on the outer list will take more space than the amount of space those columns took on the database because of the object headers and other stuff. When I try to use any javascript template Eclipse always hangs and I get this message: 'Unhandled event loop exception Java heap space' on a popup.If the current time zone is GMT+, add -Duser.timezone=UTC to the dbeaver.ini file to change the time zone to UTC. The Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) is not supported.